October 27, 2021

Prof. Kenji Sugisaki from Osaka City University (and visiting Associate Professor at TCG CREST) gave an online lecture series on quantum chemistry on quantum computers, from 28th October to 23rd December. The link to the TCG CREST YouTube channel, where the lectures are live streamed, is: 


The lecture series aims to cover a broad range of topics in the subject, including a general introduction to quantum computing and quantum algorithms, quantum phase estimation algorithm, variational quantum algorithms, and quantum annealing, in eight lectures. Further details can be found in the poster:

Details and resources for lecture 1:

Title: General introduction to quantum computing. 

Date and time: 28/10/2021, 10 am Indian time. 

Topics covered: History of quantum computing, qubits, quantum gates, quantum circuits, universal quantum gates, NISQ devices, quantum error correction, etc. 

The YouTube link to the talk: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W2FxpnhhdCk

The talk slides can be found in https://github.com/Kenji-Sugisaki/QC_seminar_at_CQuERE/tree/main/Day-1

Details and resources for lecture 2:

Title: Quantum algorithms.  

Date and time: 11/11/2021, 10 am Indian time. 

Topics covered: Quantum teleportation, Deutsch–Jozsa algorithm, quantum fingerprinting (SWAP test), quantum Fourier transformation, etc. 

The YouTube link to the talk: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YZ7AW0WLD6w

The talk slides can be found in https://github.com/Kenji-Sugisaki/QC_seminar_at_CQuERE/tree/main/Day-2

Details and resources for lecture 3:

Title: Quantum phase estimation algorithm.  

Date and time: 17/11/2021, 10 am Indian time. 

Topics covered: Hadamard test (1-qubit QPE), iterative QPE, Bayesian QPE, relationship between evolution time length and phase precisions, resource estimations, etc.

The YouTube link to the talk: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yblgJTZFLcc

The talk slides can be found in https://github.com/Kenji-Sugisaki/QC_seminar_at_CQuERE/tree/main/Day-3

Details and resources for lecture 4:

Title: Fermion–qubit transformation and quantum circuit constructions.  

Date and time: 25/11/2021, 10 am Indian time. 

Topics covered: Jordan–Wigner transformation, parity basis, Bravyi–Kitaev transformation, Trotter decomposition, etc.

The YouTube link to the talk: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_6UURRXYc24&list=PL1aGzrAyzO_B9J2hFPjtu7CUU9YcAHkkH&index=4

The talk slides can be found in https://github.com/Kenji-Sugisaki/QC_seminar_at_CQuERE/tree/main/Day-4

Details and resources for lecture 5:

Title: Variational Quantum Algorithms.  

Date and time: 02/12/2021, 10 am Indian time. 

Topics covered: Chemistry-inspired ansatzes, hardware-efficient ansatzes, error mitigations, excited states calculations, resource estimations, etc.

The YouTube link to the talk: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TsrVvIa37gE

The talk slides can be found in https://github.com/Kenji-Sugisaki/QC_seminar_at_CQuERE/tree/main/Day-5

Details and resources for lecture 6:

Title: Adiabatic quantum algorithms.  

Date and time: 09/12/2021, 10 am Indian time. 

Topics covered: Adiabatic theorem, quantum annealing, adiabatic state preparation, etc. 

The YouTube link to the talk: https://youtu.be/836rCcgTX5w

The talk slides can be found in https://github.com/Kenji-Sugisaki/QC_seminar_at_CQuERE/tree/main/Day-6

Details and resources for lecture 7:

Title: Computational complexity. 

Date and time: 16/12/2021, 10 am Indian time. 

Topics covered: Computational complexity classes (in classical computing; P, NP, etc., and on quantum computing; BPP, BQP, QMA, etc). 

The YouTube link to the talk: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kHyW1Iworzo

The talk slides can be found in https://github.com/Kenji-Sugisaki/QC_seminar_at_CQuERE/tree/main/Day-7 

Details and resources for lecture 8:

Title: Techniques for resource (qubits/quantum gates) and error reductions.  

Date and time: 23/12/2021, 10 am Indian time. 

Topics covered: Symmetry adaptations, quantum circuit optimizations, Trotter decomposition error reductions, etc.

The YouTube link to the talk: https://youtu.be/ahL24hPZojQ

The talk slides can be found in https://github.com/Kenji-Sugisaki/QC_seminar_at_CQuERE/tree/main/Day-8

All are welcome!