Aishik Acharya

Dr. Aishik Acharya has completed his PhD. from CSIR National Physical Laboratory, New Delhi on design, development and evaluation of Cesium atomic fountain clock, frequency metrology and time dissemination system. As an engineer as well as experimental physicist he has significantly contributed towards the development of the first generation of operational Cesium atomic fountain clock in India for generation and maintaining Indian Standard Time (IST). During this process he has developed all the necessary subsystems (including electronics, optics and mechanical) in house and integrated them for cold atom-based Cesium fountain clock operation. During his tenure, Cesium Atomic fountain clock got internationally certified and recognized as primary frequency standard of India by BIPM (Bureau International des Poids et Mesures), Paris. During his PhD he has also worked on the instrumentation of the development of third generation of Cesium fountain clock (NPL-UK CsF3) at National Physical Laboratory, Teddington, United Kingdom. He has received international IEEE UFFC 2016 sponsorship for training at National Institute of Standards and Technology, Boulder, Colorado, USA for NIST Time and frequency Metrology. Based on his work he also got Young Scientist award XXXIInd International Union of Radio Science General Assembly & Scientific Symposium at Montreal, Canada. 

After completion of his PhD. he has started working as post-Doctoral fellow and Research Consultant accordingly at Research Center Imarat, Dr. APJ Kalam Missile Complex, DRDO from 2017 to 2022. During his tenure he has significantly contributed to build a full-fledged cold atom laboratory for cold atom-based interferometer experiment. Not only that but also, he has successfully demonstrated cold atom generation in his setup. During the tenure he also worked on demonstration of single beam Magneto optical trap (MOT) using commercial gratings with the collaboration of University of Hyderabad, India. During his post PhD. engagement he was involved in lab level demonstration on quantum sensors for gravity measurement.

He has expertise in laser Cooling, laser spectroscopy, optics, opto electronics and optical mechanical components handling and layout, ultra-high vacuum experimentation, instrumentation, automation, embedded systems, high speed data acquisition etc. 

Dr. Acharya is currently working on the experimental setup and instrumentation related to Quantum Sensing and Quantum Computing on the cold atoms platform. He is also assisting on instrumentation related to Superconducting Qubit generation for Quantum Computing.
