Centres of Research and Education in Science and Technology
May 1, 2023

TCG CREST Affiliated to AcSIR

Academy of Scientific & Innovative Research (AcSIR), an ‘Institute of National Importance’ (INI)  of Government of India has recognized TCG CREST as its Associate  Academic Centre enabling PhD programs of TCG CREST to get  affiliated to AcSIR.

Building upon  mutual strengths, AcSIR, AcSIR-affiliated Institutes and TCG CREST will establish academic connectivity, synergy and cross-pollination of academic programs to build capacity in identified areas of research and development. This will also allow TCG CREST to get more insight into industry’s requirements, thereby facilitating industry-academia collaborations and initiatives to fulfil CREST’s objective of conducting translational research in science and technology for societal benefits.

For more information about AcSIR please visit